你那皮條客般的走路姿勢讓你看起來像是一個很酷的傢伙,很多人都挺喜歡你,因為你的綠衫軍歷史。 。聽說你是偉大的球員,但是我從沒見過你打球,我覺得你肯定懂得一個球員從教練那裡得到信任和信心是多麼重要,看你的樣子讓我想起了迪士尼里的弗洛諾,駝背的夫人。 。你使林書豪覺得你在關鍵時刻冰他是為了他好。 。有的時候甚至是整個第四節,但是從你的內心想法卻是想隱藏他,隱藏他對於這個世界,對於球迷,對於休士頓。我們曾經那麼的激動,我們又把林書豪簽了回來,儘管合同很荒謬,我們想看到他在這裡成長,經歷那些該有的起起伏伏,我們想看到他輸球,犯錯,然後從錯誤中吸取經驗教訓,所以當他閃光發亮的時候,當他為我們贏球的時候,當他做出正確決定的時候,我們可以很高興的看到他的成長。當他還很年輕,當然會犯錯誤,儘管所有的負面的影響,我們已經從他之前的比賽中看出來了他具備成為一個合格穩定的NBA控衛的能力,也許不能成為明星,也許不能成為超級明星,但一定會成為一個穩定的合格的好控衛,你這樣冰他是在減緩他的成長速度,你不應該這樣對這個孩子。
-- 轉自clutch fans論壇,美國火箭球迷寫給麥克海爾的一封信 -- 初丁林小允 翻譯
Mr. McHale,
You seem like a cool dude with that little pimp walk. A lot of people seem to like you because of your days with the Celtics. Heard you were a great player, but I've never seen you play. So you should understand how important it is for a player to build confident and trust from their coach. You look and remind me of Frollo from the Disney, Hunchback of Notre Dame. You as Frollo and my boy Jeremy Lin as Quasi. You make him think that you are doing him good by benching him in critical moments of the game and sometimes the entire 4rth quarter but inside you are really trying to hide him from the world, the fans, the city of Houston. We were so excited when we got him back despite of his precarious contract. We want to see him grow and go through his ups and downs, we want to see him make mistakes and lose games and be responsible for his mistakes. So when he does shine, does win games for us, does make the right plays, we can see and appreciate how far along he has come. When he is still young and will make mistakes, but despite of all that, we have seen flashes of games that he will become a solid pg in the NBA, maybe not a star, maybe not a superstar, but he will def be a solid one. You are slowing him down by doing this the kid.
When Yao Ming first join the NBA, he was a young skinny tall chinese player with no respect and everyone aimed at him. They wanted to embarrass that boy every chance they get. He made many mistakes, he made so dumb play, he was called soft, but he also amazed us when he shined, and years later, he was the top center in the NBA because he was allowed to grow. He then became a big impact player where a double team was called for everytime he touch the rock. He didn't achieve this by sitting on the bench in critical moments, or sitting on the bench in the 4rth quarter, he didnt achieve this by getting called out by his coach and players in the media, he didnt achieve this because he had a chip on his shoulder and wanted to prove the world wrong. He achieved this by working really really hard.
Mr. Hale, let the boy play, this is his first full season to play in the league and will become a great player just like you were not because he is a superstar, not because he is an athletic freak, not because he has flashes of CP3, but because he is very smart and humble, and he will do whatever it takes to help this team win games, and because like his uncle Yao Ming, he works really really hard.
Truly Yours,
Jeremy Lin