My sister’s been fighting cancer and overall has been incredibly optimistic, determined to get through everything. For the past few weeks though she’s been in excruciating pain after getting surgery and she needed a pick-me-up. Despite his busy schedule and new popularity, Jeremy Lin sent a video to her! We couldn’t be more thankful! It really gave her the encouragement she needed.

在過去的幾個星期中她在手術後承受著極度的痛苦而她需要一劑強心劑。雖然名氣正夯的林書豪行程滿檔,仍給她寄了一個視頻。我們真的無比感激! 這真的給了她所需要的鼓勵。 (CoryCha 視頻發布的人的留言)



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