林書豪尼克的助理教練(Developmental Coach): Kenny Atkinson是林書豪在尼克幕後功臣之一
林書豪未成名之前,只是一個被分配到Kenny Atkinson 底下默默受訓的球員。
Atkinson 曾經像林書豪一樣是個在選秀會上落選的球員,最終輾轉成為一位助理教練,他的工作就是在Mike D'Antoni 手下,訓練那些在球隊輪替陣容以外的無名球員,協助這些球員隨時做好準備,等待那不知何時才會出現的上場機會。
林書豪對Atkinson 的專業態度贊不絕口,林書豪說:「這個人每天早上六點起床,有時候我會在比賽后的凌晨一點左右才回到家,然後我會傳簡訊給他說"嘿,我可以看看我今天的的那些失誤畫面嗎?我可以觀察一下下場比賽的對手的比賽影片嗎?他們是
如何打擋拆的呢? " 然後隔天早上當我踏入球館時,他就會把影片都準備好了。」
「當我還沒有獲得許多上場時間的時候,我跟他會在球隊團練之前一起鍛鍊,球隊團練之後,他則會幫我分析我的比賽內容,是他教導我如何在D'Antoni 教練的系統下比賽的。 」
林書豪從一個板凳末端的球員,搖身一變成為每場比賽需要上場40 分鐘的主力,這種變化除了來自於林書豪自己的努力之外,也會讓人們好奇是誰在幕後協助林書豪做好這些準備的。不過Atkinson 很低調,尼克隊也不允許記者採訪他。
灰狼總教練Rick Adelman 曾經在火箭隊時給了Atkinson 在NBA 的第一份工作,Adelman 對Atkinson 的評價是:「沒有任何人比Kenny 更會訓練挖掘球員的潛力。」
Atkinson 球員時代曾經在1991 年在尼克試訓後被裁退,後來流浪於海外,在義大利、法國、西班牙、德國都留下過球員足跡。然後在法國和義大利當教練。他在義大利時遇到了Billy Bayno,這人目前在灰狼隊Adelman 手下當助教。
Bayno 說:「Kenny 的教練天份非常恐怖,我遇到他時馬上打電話給我的經紀人,要他找人把他帶回NBA,這人應該在NBA 工作,他有成為總教練的能力,總有一天他會得到機會的,那是他應得的。 」
Atkinson 不知何時曾經這樣說過:「對於一個教練來說,我們最興奮的事就是協助那些才華橫溢又深具潛力的年輕球員茁壯成長,是我們努力工作下最美好的事。 」
my new hobby is eating a refrigerated fruit snack for every kill get in halo reach
keeps stealin my kills tho
thats my big sis and
is my big bro love them and fuit snacks
Lin is averaging 24.3 points and 9.5 assists over 37.8 minutes in six starts, including a 38-point performance against the Lakers, a career-high 13 assists against Sacramento and a last-second game-winning shot against Toronto. It speaks volumes about Lin’s work ethic and professional attitude that he kept himself in shape and mentally ready despite his limited playing time before Feb. 4.
And it also says something about Atkinson, whose job is to keep the non-rotation players ready for that moment when Mike D’Antoni calls on them.
“I mean this guy wakes up at 6 a.m. every morning,” Lin says. “I’ll text after a game at midnight, 1 o’clock when I go home and I’ll say, ‘Hey can I look at those turnovers. Can I look at the upcoming team? How they run pick and rolls?’ And he ’ll have the film ready when I walk into the facility the next morning.
“When I wasn’t playing much, we were working out before practice, and after practice he was picking apart my game, teaching me what it’s like to play in Coach D’Antoni’s system.”
Lin’s rise from last man on the roster to undefeated starter continues to gain momentum. The Knicks, who host the New Orleans Hornets Friday night, have won seven straight games, all since Lin began to see major minutes at point guard.
Lin’s performance as well as his deferential manner have drawn attention to the work of Atkinson, the 44-year-old basketball lifer who prefers to remain behind the scenes. He is in the perfect place because the Knicks do not allow Atkinson to speak to the press.
“There is nobody better than Kenny at developing players," says Minnesota Timberwolves coach Rick Adelman, who gave Atkinson his first NBA job, with the Houston Rockets. “We didn ’t want to lose him but going to New York was a chance for him to go home.”
Atkinson, from Huntington, L.I., joined D’Antoni’s staff in 2008.
Kenny Atkinson於2008年8月7日被尼克斯聘用成為D'Antoni的助理教練(訓練師)。他的主要工作是訓練那些不上場的球員,讓他們保持狀態,當需要時,他們可以隨時上場。他與尼克斯的合同期限與細節沒有對外公佈。
- Apr 29 Sun 2012 21:37