
季後賽game5輸給熱火 尼克隊提早放暑假回到紐約
這段日子以來這些年輕的孩子們朝夕相處產生了濃濃的革命情感 隊友心裡多少明白下賽季有些隊員將各奔前程
再見面可能就是捉隊撕殺 拚的你死我活的對手
當晚是尼克更衣間清倉的最後一晚 大夥相約酒吧叙舊打屁並宣洩季後賽一輪遊的憂悶氣氛.



據消息人士透露,林書豪和隊友們點了幾瓶伏特加和香檳。之前一直極少飲酒的林書豪,在和模特的觥籌交錯中,也開始豪飲。 “他們真的是帶著悲傷喝酒,”一位目擊者稱。


著名超模作陪Lin’s fast break into clubbing

目擊者還透露,林書豪在酒吧內的桌子被一群女孩圍著。而且,林書豪也在和一群穿著緊身衣的女孩子聊天。前“維多利亞的秘密”模特Selita Ebanks(賽麗塔-伊班克斯)後來也來到了該酒吧,大概是在凌晨3點鐘左右抵達,和這群籃球運動員聊了起來。 Selita Ebanks在全球最新的性感TOP 20超模排名中位列第7,曾經是著名的“維多利亞的秘密”的天使超模和《體育畫報》的性感寶貝。

出生於1983年的她,在2001年首次亮相紐約時裝週為著名服裝走秀,隨後一路走紅。大約在3:30,尼克的這群球員又被在另外一個西17街 1OAK酒吧發現續攤。消息人士稱,林書豪、哈雷森、喬丹和其他10位朋友進入了酒吧,但是菲爾茲並沒有隨同前往。目擊者透露,這群人點了幾瓶龍舌蘭酒,一直狂歡到凌晨4點。



Last Updated: 11:17 PM, May 12, 2012
Posted: 11:10 PM, May 12, 2012

Now that the Knicks’ season is over, Jeremy Lin finally got a taste of “Linsanity” while drowning his sorrows in Meatpacking District clubs Thursday night.

Lin and his teammates Josh Harrellson, Landry Fields and Jerome Jordan had a wild night out at SL and 1OAK, a day after the Knicks’ season came to a close Wednesday night when the Miami Heat knocked them out of the NBA playoffs.

After cleaning out their lockers at MSG Thursday afternoon, the Knicks were spotted at SL on West 14th Street at about 1 a.m. A source said Lin and the gang had several bottles of vodka and Champagne sent to their table. And all, including the previously alcohol-shy Lin, knocked back the booze while mingling with models.

“They were really drowning their sorrows,” said an onlooker. “Jeremy was drinking and was acting tipsy . . . like a college frat kid.”

Onlookers also said that girls were flocking to their table, and Lin was seen talking to a group dressed in tight-fitting dresses. Former Victoria’s Secret model Selita Ebanks later arrived to chat with the hoopsters, who partied past 3 a.m.

At around 3:30, the athletes were then spotted at 1OAK on West 17th Street. Sources there saw Lin, Harrellson and Jordan enter the nightclub with about 10 friends, but Fields was not with them.
Onlookers said the crew ordered several bottles of Patron Magnum tequila and grooved along to DJ Jus-Ske’s set until 4 a.m.

Aside from nursing a possible hangover, Lin’s off-season includes healing from a torn miniscus in his left knee. He didn’t participate in the playoffs because of the injury but is expected to return to the Knicks next season.
Lin told The Post Thursday: “I love the Knicks, but at the same time it’s a business. Personally, I think it’d be great if I could come back, but crazy things happen.” A rep for SL had no comment.


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